smilingrid: shade on the horizon

June 01, 2014

shade on the horizon

You like free things, right? Of course you do- who doesn't!? Well, it's your lucky day because. Have the easiest access to freebies in the history of ever! The only stipulation is that you must be a college student (sorry mom).

Sumpto is a website that connects college students with brands, because, if you think about it, we are awesome advertisers! Our generation is constantly hooked in and promoting a few of our favorite things over a few of our favorite social media outlets.

My first sumpto reward came from Horizon sunglasses- check out the swag they sent my way! You earn these goodies by connecting your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other assorted interweb-y things- just connecting them. You don't even have to post to any of them! Though, if you do, you can win a second time...

Ain't they gawgeous?

I received my sunnies just in time for summer to kick off! Perfect timing, isn't it? If you feel like joining in on the sumpto fun and having packages of awesome delivered right to your doorstep, follow this URL here! OR, you can just go to use my referral code- ingrid.marquardt.1- and I  will love you for an eternity or two!

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