smilingrid: Lib Laugh Love: Literary Tourism from Home - Our Favorite Fictional Libraries!

September 28, 2020

Lib Laugh Love: Literary Tourism from Home - Our Favorite Fictional Libraries!

Welcome back to Lib Laugh Love: a podcast by librarians for bookworms! Today we are talking about literary tourism (from home!)... basically we're listing all the fictional libraries we want to visit!

We're still having a bit of trouble with our audio (apologies!). Except for ET's *JINGLE* which is still a complete work of audio art :)

As part of today's podcast story time, you'll be hearing the following tales:

1. A Series of Unfortunate Events

2. Beauty and the Beast re-tellings

3. The Library at Mount Char (danger! gore! The Dewey Decimal System controlling the universe?)

4. A Winter's Promise - pocket libraries within libraries and some bonus Tamora Pierce

5. Don't Check Out This Book! From my middle-grade queens

6. Magic For Liars

7. Pride and Prejudice

8. The Time Traveler's Wife

9. The Book Charmer

10. The Library Book

11. The Borrower

12. The Book of Speculation

13. Basically all the books in this photo:

14. Carmilla: as edited by Carmen Maria Machado

15. Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour bookstore (it totally counts!)

send us questions, requests, or advice!

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