smilingrid: #BostonWinter

December 21, 2016


I'm not sure anything will ever compare to pre-Christmas markets and celebrations in Galway- weekly year-round markets with delicious food and nick knacks plus multiple Christmas markets with drinks, trinkets, and games? Take me back! Plus, this second category of markets tends to go up right around American Thanksgiving (because Ireland doesn't celebrate food comas the way we do), so you get SO MUCH CHRISTMAS!

So, it was with this skepticism in mind that I grabbed my grad school bestie and headed to the Winter in Boston extravaganza in City Hall Plaza!

This adorable little village actually brought some of my favorite bits of Galway markets into my hometown- there were little heated huts filled with shop-able gifts (heyyy fam, look out for them under the tree!), tents specifically for wine and beer (AND a shop front for mulled wine/hot apple cider because you the best), and, best of all, a skating rink!

Bae's first apple cider donuts!

It was a little cold to try the skating rink, so we grabbed some delicious hot drinks and paired them with bae's first ever apple cider donuts! We also colored on the whiteboard children's table in the beer tent while we watched marshmallow-shaped small children go round-and-round the specially designed rink.

If you're in Boston while the market is up and running through, I would definitely recommend that you check it out! With the way the weather's been flip-flopping, I'm sure there'll be a random spring day over the next few months that'll be ideal for skating. Happy Holidays to all!

1 comment

  1. Omg I wished I could visit that place! How was the apple cider donuts I'm a sucker for anytype of donut haha! This looks like the perfect holiday getaway! Hope you had a great holiday!

    Jasmine :)

