smilingrid: feels about the #5DayLipstickChallenge

February 19, 2016

feels about the #5DayLipstickChallenge

So. Let's talk selfies.

No, seriously! Last week, I joined a handful of bloggers in a #5DayLipstickChallenge, in which we pretty much did what the hashtag implies: posted favorite lipsticks for five days.

sooooo... five days of selfies. *gulp*

Not going to lie, going into the challenge I was super worried about appearing vain or the denigrating label of "that girl."

So I angst-ed like crazy and took an insane number of pictures of my face at arms length. Then finally, covering my eyes in the most dramatic fashion, I hit "share" and left for class.

And then something wonderful happened. Likes and loving comments started pouring in! Over the course of the week, I heard from friends I haven't seen in months and from complete strangers.

The nervousness about posting started decreasing every day and a sense of community started to grow with my #lipstickgang!

Basically, I'm feeling super fuzzy about humanity right now. It's a nice reality check when people don't do the judge-y thing you fear they'll do and instead do the nice and amazing thing. Yay people, all the points!

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